Hydronic Pumping Solutions
Patterson Pumps

Patterson Pumps leads the nation as one of the foremost designers and manufacturers of hydronic pumping solutions, including the EnviroFlo™ HVAC line of products.
Applying more than a century of engineering expertise in hydronic pumping technology to HVAC applications, EnviroFlo™ hydronic pumping solutions include a wide range of Vertical In-Line, Horizontal End-Suction, and Horizontal Split-Case models. S&S also offers Vertical Turbine pumping systems for concrete sump applications.
In addition to HVAC pumps, S&S HVAC offers a full line of performance-matched Patterson pumps auxiliary accessories:
- Circulator Pumps
- Suction Diffusers
- Air Separators
- Expansion Tanks
Contact us today!
Contact one of our experts today to learn more about our offered hydronic pumping solutions as well as additional hydronic accessories.